THE CRYSTAL. by Tricia Kaye

The sun was beating down on a very irritated Jess Harper as he approached Laramie with a very disgruntled Bill Warman in tow. "Hey Harper you got no call to take me in, "he moaned "you ain't no deputy! "
"shut up ! You ain't stopped bitching since I hogtied you. The sheriff sure will be glad to see you, shame your friends hightailed it out of there so quick. It would have been good to get the whole gang. At least I got you and the money."
They dismounted and entered the jail. Jess was shocked to see the doctor removing a bullet from Mort Cory's leg.
" Mort what happened?" asked Jess in alarm. 
" Just a ruckus in the saloon with some drunken drovers , I don't reckon they were even aiming anywhere in particular, just bullets flying everywhere. Guess I just got unlucky. "replied Mort.
"You got luckier than Bud Smith, he's dead," said the Doc.
"You got the varmints ?" 
"Oh yeah, Doc's been real busy, two shot besides me, and four locked up. Where did you find Bill Warman, half of Cheyenne is out looking for him and his gang. They just held up the Bank there."
"I know," said Jess, "Mose told me when he brought the stage in. I was out looking for strays and came upon them sitting pretty counting the money. Recognised Warman and just set about them, had a bit of bother and two got away," 
Mort looked at the bruises on both faces and figured how it would have been. There had been many times when Jess would risk his own safety to see justice done.
"Figured I'd bring him in and then set about tracking the other two with you.!"
"Mort ain't goin nowhere for a while Jess," said the Doc firmly, as he finished bandaging Mort's leg.
"Sorry Jess, "said Mort "Warman will have to go to Cheyenne. Ain't no room here and besides it was their bank that was robbed. I'll deputise you and wire the sheriff that you're comin. Will you do it please? "
"Sure Mort don't worry. We'll take the stage though in case his cronies get any idea about setting him free. We'd be sitting ducks on horseback. "
"Good idea Jess. I really appreciate this, will it be okay with Slim ?" 
Jess smiled mischievously and said, "No problem, he don't need we to help paint the barn anyways. Tell him when he comes in to Laramie later for supplies. 
"And he laughed at the thought of Slim's face when Mort told him. Painting was a boring chore when then were two of you, but with only one !!!!!

A little while later Mort saw Jess and Bill on to the stage. Jess handcuffed Warman to the window strut.
"Just so as you can't pull any stunts," said Jess. At that moment a woman passed Mort and opened the door of the stage.
"Excuse me sheriff, this is this stage to Cheyenne?" she asked.
"Yes ma'am," said Jess as he held the door open and offered his hand to help her board. She gasped slightly when she saw Warman and the handcuffs.
"Don't worry ma'am, he won't be no trouble," Jess reassured her. "See ya Mort"
"Good luck Jess and thanks." and Mort hobbled away.
Jess sat opposite Warman, so that he could keep an eye on him. Not that he could do much handcuffed as he was. The woman sat away from them both. She was wearing a very large picture hat which succeeded in hiding half her face.
"Howdy ma'am I'm Jess Harper, you going all the way to Cheyenne? "
She raised her chin and looked at Jess and smiled. Jess stared in amazement for she was a beautiful woman. Her skin was translucent like pale china and she had exquisite green eyes that were hypnotic.
"How do you do Mr Harper my name is Savannah........" suddenly her sentence was cut short as shots rang out and the stage lurched forward. 
"Looks like we got trouble Jess, "yelled the driver.
"Get down ma'am," ordered Jess and quickly aimed his rifle at the two riders who were almost alongside the stage. One man screamed and fell badly wounded, the other man fired rapidly catching Jess in the left shoulder knocking him to the floor. Warman kicked Jess viciously and tried to reach for his .45. Jess struggled to move away from Warman's foot and succeeded in keeping his gun.
Dragging himself to his feet he knocked out Warman then fired rapidly at the man, on the horse. Suddenly a bullet hit the horse and it crumpled throwing the rider underneath the stage. There was a bone crunching scream as the back wheels crushed the horse and rider. As it did so the stage lurched onto two wheels and started to roll. Jess grabbed the woman and dived for the door, catapulting them out of the way of the rolling stage. Wood splintered 
& shattered and screams rent the air. Jess and the woman landed heavily on the ground and pain shot through his body making him black out. A little while later a very dazed Jess came to, he tried to sit up and assess the damage. The scene was like a battlefield, dead bodies and horses all around. The stage was completely wrecked both the driver and the guard had been thrown so badly that they must have died instantly. Warman was still handcuffed to the shattered strut, his head twisted unaturally - he never had a chance. Jess heard a soft moaning noise and remembered the woman, he moved towards her.
"Are you alright ?" he asked holding her gently.
"What happened ?" she said.
"Some men tried to take my prisoner and the stage got wrecked."
"Oh I remember you throwing us or something, it's all very confusing. The others ?"
Jess looked at her and shook his head sadly.
"Oh no !" she exclaimed as she looked around and then she wept as Jess held her in his arms.
"There ain't nothing we can do here,"said Jess. "We'll have to get back to Laramie and tell the sheriff what has happened." As he staggered to his feet, the pain from his shoulder seared through his body.
"Mr Harper you're hurt !" 
"I think it was a lucky shot, it's just a flesh wound. We better be making tracks before that storm comes. It is quite a way to shelter."
She got to her feet and Jess studied her. Her clothes were torn from the fall and the hat was long gone, in its place was a mass of long glossy auburn hair. She picked up a small valise near the stage and Jess took some blankets, it was going to be a long walk. As they walked the sky blackened and the wind began to howl.
"Sure is a storm brewing," said Jess. " I think we should look for some shelter. When the stage doesn't arrive in Cheyenne, they'll send out riders to see what has happened."
Suddenly a huge fork of lightning crashed to the ground and the thunder roared. Large drops of rain splashed on them and everywhere grew black. Within minutes the drops lashed down, falling so fast that the ground couldn't absorb them and they collected and splattered in huge puddles.
"Lets head for those hills there and get out of this storm," yelled Jess above the din.
Within a short time they spotted a cave and made their way towards it. Despite the pain Jess quickly got a fire going and looked around.
"I reckon we'll be safe here ma'am, least till that storm goes." said Jess
"Please call me Savannah,"
"Yeah sure ma'am," stuttered Jess,"I mean Savannah. That's a real pretty name."
Jess stared at her again, he didn't mean to, he just couldn't help himself, she was so beautiful. As he stared he realised that they were both soaked to the skin.Her clothes clung to her womanly body, but she was not ashamed. Jess tried to avert his eyes but couldn't.
Savannah walked to the back of the cave saying, "I'll get some more wood for that fire Mr Harper and then I must see to that wound of yours." 
As she picked up pieces of wood there was a sudden hiss and a vicious rattle split the air as a rattler reared up ready to strike. In a flash Jess had his gun out and a single shot took the head off the snake in one go.
An hour later the torrential rain continued to lash the entrance of the cave. Jess and Savannah sat by the fire talking.
"Well you sure are something," exclaimed Jess. "I ain't never tasted snake that good, how do you do that? "
"I couldn't have done any thing, if you hadn't killed the snake and lit the fire, "and she laughed, a tinkling comfortable sound.
She set about boiling some water and taking some things out of her valise.
"Let's see to that wound Mr Harper. "
"Tain't nothing ma'am and please call me Jess. "
Savannah continued to take small bottles out of her bag, and then proceeded to look at Jess's wound.
"Jess the bullet is still in there, I have to get it out. Drink some of this." and she handed him a cup with a strange potion in it.
"What is this? "he asked. 
"Just drink it, it is a herbal potion, it will help you trust me," and she smiled. Her smile transformed the whole place. Jess looked at her and tried to fathom out the strange feelings that were taking over his mind and his body. He had been with women before, loads of them but never like this.
The drink was warm and surprisingly pleasant, like woodland berries on an autumn afternoon. Jess was confused but felt very contented. Savannah moved beside him and said,
"With this weather it could be a long night."
Jess thought, "with that bullet still in me, it could be a very short one.
Quickly and deftly, Savannah removed the bullet. Around her neck she wore a strange crystal. It was an iridescent green, almost like her eyes. It hung there on a gold chain. Jess watched as she took the chain off and strangely held it over Jess's wound. The crystal suddenly started to move and Jess felt the strangest sensation. He was in pain but something soothed him. Savannah placed the crystal and her hands on his body and Jess slowly slipped into unconsciousness. 
Jess came to eventually, he had no idea how long he had been out of it. The fire was blazing and its heat filled the cave. Savannah held a drink to his lips, and said, "You are a strong man Jess, you'll be fine. "
"How come, what, where ????....." Stuttered Jess.
"It's okay," said Savannah, "rest now Jess. " and he drifted once more into a peaceful state.
Jess came to a while later and Savannah was sitting by his side, as he looked at her, he realised that he had never been with a more beautiful woman. He reached up and gently touched her cheek, it was so soft. She smiled and placed her hand on his. Slowly she guided his hand to the buttons of her gown. No words were spoken as he slowly undressed her. Her body was exquisite and Jess forgot everything but her. The fire light danced on the walls of the cave and the warmth filled the space. Savannah came to him and lay in his arms. They held each other for a long time, then kissed at first gently and longingly. As the passion grew they slowly explored each other's bodies, finally experiencing the most exquisite sensations that Jess had ever known. As the storm raged and the long night continued, they both enjoyed supreme pleasures, yet not a word was spoken. 
Looks and caresses did all the communicating until they finally collapsed in an embrace. Jess closed his eyes and drifted into a sublime dream world that he had never experienced before.
Jess dreamt of a beautiful waterfall cascading into a clear pool surrounded by flowers. Savannah was swimming naked and beckoning to Jess, to come into the pool. Somehow he couldn't move. What was happening to him? The pool was fading and Savannah suddenly disappeared beneath the water.
"No, Savannah ! " cried Jess and he struggled to reach her. Suddenly he woke and looked all around. He was alone !
Jess got to his feet and realised that he was naked. He dressed and looked around the cave. He called her name, but there was no answer. He staggered to the mouth of the cave and felt confused. This storm had abated and everywhere smelt fresh and clean. 
There was no sign or trace of Savannah. Could it all have been a dream ? 
There was no trace of her, but he couldn't have dressed his own wound! He didn't know how long he'd been in the cave, but he had to get back to Laramie.  As he rolled up his blanket he saw them - a bullet and the strange crystal Savannah wore around her neck. He held them in his hand and felt her presence and knew that it couldn't have been a dream. He had never known anyone like her, never experienced anything like that. He felt renewed vigour and set about packing up his gear. Outside the cave a horse stood saddled and tethered. Jess didn't know where it had come from. He mounted and rode towards Laramie. A few hours later he dismounted outside the sheriff's office. Mort was inside resting his bad leg. He stood up in
amazement and hobbled towards Jess.
"Where have you been ? "he asked anxiously. "We found the stage, but there was no sign of you ! "
Jess slumped in the chair and told Mort the story. He still felt really bad about Bill Warman.
"Well the Warman Gang probably would have been hanged anyway, "said Mort.
"Yeah but that was for a jury to decide Mort, " said Jess sadly. "I reckon I would have died too if it hadn't been for Savannah. "
"Who ?" asked Mort.
"You know," said Jess," the woman who got on the stage, as we were leaving. You saw her !"
"What woman ?" asked Mort in amazement. "There was only you and Warman on that stage ! Jess you've been hurt bad boy, you must've dreamt some things in fever. Best you go home and get some rest ! "
Jess stood up and walked out to to his horse. It really was time he went home, but as he headed towards the ranch, he touched the bullet and the crystal in his pocket and knew that it hadn't been a dream.

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