A Laramie story by Tricia Kaye

"Look after Mike & Daisy, Jess," said Slim Sherman as he boarded the stage to Cheyenne. "This company business shouldn't take more'n a day."

"Don't worry Slim, "replied Jess Harper smiling back at his partner, "There ain't nothing to this ranching business."

As the stage got ready to roll, Mose the driver said,

"Oh before I forget Jess, there were some of your cattle back a piece on the road, darn near drove into them !"

"Tarnation, Thanks Mose, I'll see to them. must be that same bit of fencin on the northside, doggone strays keep knocking it down."

"And don't get into any trouble," quipped Slim as the stage pulled away.

"Bye Slim, "called Daisy.

"Bye Slim, "cried Mike"can you bring me some candy from Cheyenne please ?"

"You'll turn into candy, if you eat anymore of it Tiger, "said Jess as he towsled Mike's hair.

Jess turned to Daisy and said, "I'd best get out there and sort out them strays. Come on Mike give me a hand to get saddled up."

A few hours later a hungry Jess returned to the Sherman Relay Station, and was surprised not to be greeted by an enthusiastic Mike. Everything seemed suspiciosly quiet. as he walked into the ranch house a voice from the past greeted him.

"Well howdy Jess, how've ya bin ?" asked Gem Clayton.

"What are you doing here ?" demanded Jess. "How'd you get in ?"

"Now is that anyway to greet an old friend ?"

"I called you friend once, but that was a long time ago, before you stooped to robbing and killing," snarled Jess.

"Now there's no need to be like that Jess. We just want a little help is all, "soothed Gem.

"With what ?"demanded Jess, his temper rising.

"With the bank in Laramie, of course."

"Over my dead body," said Jess.

"Oh I don't think that will be necessary, what about the dead bodies of your friends ? Ike bring them out." called Gem.

With that the bedroom door opened and Ike & Lee Clayton, pushed out Daisy and Mike.

"You keep your filthy hands of them," yelled Jess going for his gun. Suddenly Jess stopped, for he saw the barrel of Ike's .45 against Daisy's head.

"Don't even think about it Jess, "said Gem, "lessen you want Ike's hair trigger to go off ?"

"If you harm them........."started Jess.

"Now, now there'll be none of that. You ain't in no bargaining position. Like I said we just need a little help is all. No harm will come to them so long as you cooperate."

With that the door opened and a huge, ugly, mean looking man entered.

"Well Rafe, got here at last. How looks it ?"

Jess stared at the big man, his eyes narrowing. "Rafe Biggerstaff, I thought you'd gotten ten years ?"

"Well Harper ,it just seems like there ain't no jail big enough to hold me. Now I got me a score to settle with you, but that can wait. Ike tie the woman and the kid up good and tight. Lee get the mounts from the barn. Okay Harper take off the gun belt with the left hand, .slowly ...or they get it !"

Jess slowly released his gun belt and let it fall to the floor.

"They ain't gonna do you no harm Miss Daisy," said Jess reassuringly despite his predicament. "Are you stooping to tying up women and children these days ?" Jess asked Rafe and was answered by a fierce blow to his solar plexus, which made him sink to his knees gasping for air.

"Like I said, I got a score to settle," snarled Rafe. "Ike you stay here and keep a good watch on them till we get back. I guess there ain't no need to tie them up, but lady you better not try anything, lessen you don't want no trouble to come to Jess."

"Oh Jess..."said Daisy.

Jess staggered to his feet and reassured her,

"Don't worry none Miss Daisy. Look after Mike, I'll be alright and I'll be back can count on that." he said glaring at Ike as he walked out to his horse.

As they rode towards Laramie, Jess frantically tried to think of a plan. What he wanted most was to return to the ranch and rescue Mike and Daisy, but there was also the Laramie Bank to consider.

"You're a mite quiet there Jess, now don't be trying to hatch some escape plan, I've got everything covered."

"Yeah, sure down to the last detail, "said Jess bitterly. "How'd you know where to find me ?"

"Well boy, you's in the newspaper. Deputy Sheriff Jess Harper Rounds Up Bannister Gang Single Handed in Laramie." replied Gem. "So seems how famous and lawabiding you'd become, we just reckoned that your face along with our'n would put that Bank Manager right at ease, and stop him from slammin' that safe door."

Trying another approach Jess asked Gem,

"How come you're doing this ? Time was you'd never hurt a soul, never mind robbin' banks !"

"After the War, when we all parted ways Jess, my brothers and me returned home, figurin' to settle back to ranching."

"So ?"

"There was nothin' left. Ma and Pa had been killed and some carpetbaggers had taken the ranch. Everything was gone. Why shouldn't we take back what's our due ?" snarled Gem.

" We all had it bad after the War, but that's no reason for stealing from innocent folk. I'm sorry about your Ma and Pa, they were good folks, but they wouldn't be proud of you now. The Clayton Gang, famous for robbing and killing. Them's ordinary ranchers' and settlers' money in that bank, what have they done to you ?"asked Jess.

"Shut up Harper, I always said you talk too much," said Rafe steering his horse between Jess and Gem, putting an end to the conversation.

The rest of the ride into Laramie, was achieved in sullen silence until they dismounted outside the bank. Rafe stayed with the horses, being uncommonly large and last in the line when good looks were handed out, Rafe was menacingly noticeable.

"No tricks Harper, or you'll get six feet of Laramie soil and your friends too," hissed Rafe.

One look at Rafe, and Jess knew he was deadly serious.

The Manager of the Laramie Bank looked up worriedly as the three men approached, but visibly relaxed on seeing Jess.

"Well howdy Jess, what can I do for you ?" he asked.

"Well Mr Hart, its kinda difficult, " said jess awkwardly.

"Okay everybody freeze !" yelled Gem as he pointed his guns at the bank staff. One poor lady customer screamed and fainted. Jess started to move towards her.

"Harper, get them saddlebags with the money and leave her be. Quickly I'm running out of time and patience."

"Jess......"exclaimed Mr Hart, "What are you..........?" but the sentence was never finished as Lee clubbed him, then jabbed his gun into Jess's back. "Move it Harper !"

Jess began to fill the bags slowly as the other two clerks stared with a mixture of fear and amazement. Seeing the lack of speed, Lee moved towards Jess. Suddenly Jess spun round catching Lee full in the face with the saddlebags, and followed through with a resounding punch to his jaw, which polaxed the cowboy. With lightning speed Jess grabbed Lee's gun as he was falling and fired rapidly in Gem's direction, and diving to the floor to avoid the bullets, Jess slid towards the safe and slammed the door shut with his foot.

Hearing the shots Rafe suddenly burst in, seeing the situation he fired at Jess and grabbed the fallen saddlebags. Jess leapt up firing again this time winging Gem but fell immediately as a bullet tore through his left arm.

"Quick, get outta here, " yelled Rafe, "the whole of Laramie have heard them shots !"

"But my brother.." stuttered Gem.

"Forget him, move it."

A few moments later Jess staggered to his feet, the pain numbing his mind. Suddenly he remembered Mike and Daisy. With the help of a very confused and shocked clerk, he tied his bandana round his arm.

"You'd better see the Doc Jess, that looks bad," said the clerk.

Groggily Mr Hart came to, and mumbled "What happened......Jess ??"

"Sorry Mr Hart, no time to explain, them hombres have got Mike and Daisy, Tell the Sheriff to get out to the relay station, with a posse now."

Lee was still out cold, so Jess grabbed his gun belt and reloaded as he left the bank. Mounting his horse, waves of pain and nausea washed over him, but he gritted his teeth and turned his horse in the direction of the back road to the ranch.

Horse and rider rode as one, at full gallop. grim determination and a frightening anger consumed Jess and obliterated the pain. He dared not think of the consequences of Rafe and Gem getting there first. Daisy and Mike were like family and the ranch had become home, - a word Jess realised that he hadn't used for a very long time.

Making great time, Jess approached the ranch from the side of the hill behind the barn. Only Ike's horse stood outside, and there was no sign on the road yet of the other two. Jess left his horse and crept up to the house. Peering in the window of the kitchen he could see no one, so with gun drawn, he quietly slipped in the door. As he approached the other room he saw Daisy and Mike sitting facing Ike, who cradled his shotgun on his lap. Suddenly Daisy spotted Jess and immediately said,

"Don't you think it is time we had a drink ? Coffee perhaps, I don't mind making it."

Ike distracted looked at Daisy, and Jess rushed forward and kicked the chair out from under him, sending Ike and shotgun sprawling to the floor.

"Hold it right there mister. Don't even breathe," yelled Jess. "Now take off that gun belt slowly and get up."

" Oh Jess, I've been so worried about you," said Daisy.

"Jess you're hurt," cried Mike.

" No time for that now, the other two are on their way here."

"Two ?" asked Ike.

"yeah, you're brother should be in jail by now. Don't worry you'll be joining him soon. Now turn around slowly and put your hands behind your back, and I ain't in the mood for nothing funny."

"We'll get you for this Harper."

With that they all heard the sound of horses approaching fast. Before Ike could call out, Jess knocked him out. Seeing Daisy's shocked expression he said,

"Sorry Miss Daisy, no time for niceties. Mike get me the other two rifles and then get down on the floor. You too Miss Daisy !" he commanded.

"Ike ?" yelled Rafe, "Get out here quick. Move it there's a posse on our tail."

With that Jess fired and both men leapt from their horses. Bullets were flying back and forth, with Jess firing continually . Rafe and Gem were pinned behind the horse trough firing back. Jess knew he couldn't carry on much longer. The pain, loss of blood and the ride to the ride had taken it's toll, his vision kept blurring and he could hardly make out the trough never mind the men.

Suddenly Rafe made a break for the barn and Jess fired rapidly. Rafe fell badly wounded and as he did so, Gem threw out his gun and held his hands up.

"Don't shoot, don't shoot !"he pleaded.

With that Mort Cory and his hastily formed posse came riding furiously towards the ranch.

Daisy rushed towards Jess as he slumped, "Oh Jess, you are hurt."

"It's nothing Miss Daisy, are you and Mike okay ?"

"Yes Jess, thanks to you we are fine." But Jess didn't hear the words, because unconsciousness had overtaken him.

A little while later as Jess came to, he looked into the anxious faces of Daisy and the Sheriff, "Did you get them all ?" he gasped.

"Yes, sure did. Just came in to thank you. mind you there is a little matter of robbing the Laramie Bank to sort out, but I guess it can wait till you are ready to ride !" laughed Mort.

"Now look here Sheriff, " said Miss Daisy indignantly, "you can't arrest Jess for..."

"No Ma'am," smiled Mort, "but I will need a full statment just to set the record straight for the trial of them varmints."

Shortly after Mort and the posse left, the stage pulled in and Slim returned. Looking around in amazement and seeing Jess he said,

"You haven't been in trouble again Jess ? I thought I asked you.."

"Well no Slim," said Jess sheepishly.

"Now don't you start Slim Sherman !" snapped Daisy. "As a matter of fac, all three of us have been in trouble, but I can't explain until I've made some supper. Come on Mike give me a hand."

"Well, what in tarnation ......?"

"Well, Pard, its a long story," sighed Jess.

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